
Best way to stay awake while driving
Best way to stay awake while driving

best way to stay awake while driving

The more exhausted you are when you finally get some sleep the less alert you're going to feel when you get up. When you start feeling tired try to squeeze in a quick nap or go to bed early for the night.

best way to stay awake while driving

But I've also noticed that if I wait until I'm exhausted to get some sleep I don't recover nearly as well as I do when I take more frequent naps or go to bed sooner. If you keep pushing on when you're already tired you know you're doing something incredibly dangerous. Don't Allow Yourself To Get Too Exhausted Try to keep your emotions on an even keel. If you start singing at the top of your lungs because you were just assigned a great load you're going to be pulling into a great rest area before long to catch a nap. Same goes with getting too excited about things. All of that frustration is going to wear you out.

best way to stay awake while driving

Whatever it is, you're p*ssed off now and you're brooding about it. Maybe a car just cut you off a little while ago. Maybe you had a fight recently with your dispatcher. And of course do your best to never look at the oncoming headlights but off to the side instead. I also used to turn my dash lights down so they were just bright enough to see the gauges. I used to drive with soft red lights to light the interior of the cab just a little at night. You have the bright headlights and dashboard lights in your face but you're sitting in a pitch black truck surrounded by pitch black night. The stark contrast between the bright lights and pitch black will make your eyes feel sleepy before long. Here are some things you can do to stay awake and alert for longer periods of time. Staying awake and alert for long periods of time is critical if you want to be a safe, productive driver. Most are also getting paid by how much work they get done, whether it be by the mile, by the hour, or a percentage of what the load pays.

#Best way to stay awake while driving drivers#

Truck drivers have very long days and erratic sleep schedules. Current State Of The Trucking Industry (29)

Best way to stay awake while driving